Thursday, December 21, 2006

I'm procrastnating (it's 2am, I need to be packing)

I'm going to my aunts farm in Sask. for the holidays
just did the day by day weather comparison
Vancouver with reach plus 10 while Sask. is at -14 or-18.
did I mention that I don't have warm things?
well I do but don't.
As per example, My toque, is a fashine hat, I don't think it repels wind or covers my ears... and all my sockes are cotton. ba I feel my east coast winter sheild coming on.

Things at work have sucked.
Yelling sucky.Yelling angry grrrrl sucky.

Things at home have been peachy.
Soft as in warm as in cozy.

I never promised you a rose garden but at least theres a pond.
Fuck though, those winter blues man,
they fallow you like pop videos and brands.
happy warm lovin' solstice everyone, it's my favorite holiday to get really drunk and dance and create, I will be on the bus and working for ten hours before hand.
So, your mission , if you choose to except it, is to party and cheer and laugh for me hug those you love and thank them, please.

May cheer find you, julie

Friday, December 15, 2006

what is the percentage of our society on drugs?
from tynol to extacy to prozac?
It seems to me finding a straight conversation is getting harder and harder.
but what do I know.

Hey guess what I learnt about myself?
I'm dylexic.
hahhahahahah, thats right I'm not a shitty speller, my nerto transmitters just aren't linked togethere 'proprly'.
I've always wondered if I was then a new friend of mine brought it up and showed me how
I spell and flip the letters around, cool eah?

I lost my cell phone and everyones numbers!!!
And I can't make long distance calls on my land line, I gotta get a phone tommorrow.
You can call me though call my cell phone and it will give you my new number.
Merry holiday,

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

okay just to make this clear,
I think Naturalism is the Grandfather of Existalism.
The two ideas are different, I get that
but both deprive their charaters of essance.

The Camus tittle is The Myth of Sisyphus: And Other Essays.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ode to Zola

So this guy tryes to pick me up at the libra room on saturday,
here is the dialoge. I'll be 'julie' he'll be 'buddy'.

insert generic small talk here, bore yourself mentally for a few mins. take a pee break stare at the wall.

buddy:"So whats your sign?"
julie:'I'm a libra'
buddy:"Wow, imagine, meetng a libra in the libra room, that must be speacial."
julie:I smile like I'm ammused, then look at my girlfriend and
she says:'do you wanna go for a smoke?'
the boy notices that I have a book wedged into my purse.
buddy:"Oh, what book are you reading?"
I show him the cover of the book which is the real test...
in a few seconds he comes up blank, I offer a branch,
julie:'Emile Zola, Therese Raquin, it's by Zola the tittle is Therese Raquin.'
buddy:"Well it just so happens that I have a book in my back pocket."
he pulls out a book, it's Camus not the outsider but one that startes with an S,
the yamering begins is god dead or just outside myself,what is the purpose of purpose?. Before you know it we're comparing publicaton dates, I come to the conclusion that Zola lead the way for Camus.(zola was published in 1867 camus in 1937)
The man can not follow my idea!!!!!
And turns to talk to a stranger about sports.

I leave to get high,

latter he finds me clams he thought he lost me.

This story is lame I only wanted to say that I put it together on my own that Zola lead the way for Camus, Zola was a naturalist which was a backlash to romantisism which gave birth to exsitalisim.Which if I could try to go on one more limb I would say gave us the phrase "God is dead".

All in all I would like to thank Zola, for my first academic thought.

his boy was one of the cuter ones but my goodness.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
