Thursday, December 29, 2005

fuck you

i didn't mean to post this but ...

you never read my bloges anyway.

so right here right now I'm gonna say FUCK YOU.

Why did you sleep with me last night if it's her that you love?

cause her and i are good friends and if you think that we would'nt talk about it ,
your silly.

non the less fuck you.

Why didn't you just fuck her?

Her foot steps heared above us the whole time

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


peace and love and holiday warm.
alone sometimes it's okay to be.
Even thows of us surrounded by loved friends feel
distant at the merriest of times.
cheers yourself for you alone have
carried yourself here. thanks, julie

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Merry Christ - mas to those of you alone.

I pressed enter instead of tab.
ba, that seems to be the new a instead of s or vice versa
bullshit tecno fab land culture.
'I've got my blog spot'
'I've got my keyborad'
both to be sung to the tune of Wezzer's
'I've got my hash pipe'
Now dance to the guitar part...
or not.


I wrote this poem that I was all excited to post but now am having second thoughts...

to post or not to post..

Okay I'll post but imagine me slamming this instead of it being all poetry
and sad.
Cause I'm a performance poet not a poet.

no tittle yet.

I felt your package like I was gropping your hand
for my favorite finger to hold.

I held it clouse to my heart

it had felt you just days ago.

I myself haven't felf your chubby caluses in a
year and a bit.

I thought this would be easy,

giving and reciving

another consumer bliss day alone.

I don't wanna miss you more today!!!

but i can't help it.

Tears flow as I am remined of the safty of your presents...
You told me to take care of myself
I don't want to fail you but

I've forgotten whats healthy.

I'm not a little kid any more
haven't been for awhile

but still deep in my heart i want nothing more then
to remain your little girl
without all these years of
non manogamy
and age.

Pull myself togethere
I'm over this
this was years ago

grow thru past pain

whiskey isn't food
and ciggarretes aren't vegtables

the end.

It's a little emotional, i can't help it
it's the holidays my family is all over the world and divorsed
or are married to some cousin on the othere side of my family
but no one is talking to anyon eles
but again if they are talking they're on the other side of the world.
thats what happens when everyone in your family is:
a) from Saskatchwan
b)in the military
c)warrent out for they're arrest
d)in the film industry
e)didn't make it past grade six


it feels good to laugh.
this is one of many off the wall x- mas bloggs
cheers to all of you I will miss over these
consumer bliss days

i tryed to spell check this one and my computer won't let me.
haha, merry holidays spelling pro's.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

my habit

I'm almost developing a blogging addiction.
I don't have cable.
Late at night I sit in my living room smoking like one of the
Simpson twins, twiching , thinking about blogging, reading other peolpes bloggs
and wondering if there is going to be anything new

on my favorite bloggs slushpile, twigg, sage...

I've started writting poetry on
it's silly to post this late in a computer outing
my eyes are humming in tune with the computer.

Monday, December 12, 2005

green grass

It seems like my little contaner of grass
is always almost empty.
I'd cry if I thought it would help.
Winnipeg is fucking driving me up the wall.
Does anyone wanna share a place in Vancouver.
Early spring time?
I'd still keep my studio in Winnipeg
but thats all i'm holding on to right now,
needless to say it's not enough.
Life seems to long most days.

you me and a what?
What about mortality?
Keep up this game or find a new one
Do I want a new one?

I wish I remember things more clearly,
the way your lips felt
I laying there
you demanding
My inability to perform
the role we want me to fit.
The truth is I am just anothere women
my intetions are rarly pure
and mostly self rewarding

I'll be the first to admitt it
right now
I'm being selfish.

thanks for your patients

Saturday, December 10, 2005

who fuckin' knows? do you?

Ya so i was dating this man for like almost five months and now he dosen't
return my phone calls
Ya do you think it's because i told him I didn't think I could love him?
Or do you think it's because I might have gotten really drunk and told him I slept
with some one eles?
Yes in our five month relationship I managed to sleep with three othere people.
Is that a score or a touch down?
Where are these other people now?
Who fuckin' knows?

On the brighter side
I'm almost to broke to smoke
I can almost hear my lungs thanking me. is a new blog for wpg. writers
There is some good poetry on there.
And being single just means I have more time to write and mastrbate.
Fuck though,
if i never find love again
you will here me scream.