Friday, November 25, 2005

i looked

i looked for you
and when i say you
i mean their was three
of you that equaled one
and i wanna say your names so that you'll know


i feel like a few secreats are wearth keeping.
fuck spelling

i went to a few art openings

i had a few dates

but none equated me in the right way

i left alone

but fuck

your the only person i looked for

your nose hung in the pure british shape
of it's glory
"liquide courage" you said to me behide the hall
the nightly venue
you who will never read this

you who will

and hate women all the while
i wish , i wish , i wish

al ot of things

you and me

a pure night
where i could of felt all

ba timing is shit
in reality

the last you

last week you
came to my questions

this week

a few messages

thats all

maybe i should call my mom.

fuck i miss watching you knowing where you would be

how to find you

i miss





thanks julie

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