Monday, October 16, 2006

julies trying to write short stories again...

this is a short story i have started let me know what you think...

Somedays when i am feeling alone and unthought of I think about you.
I imagine you surprising me with a phone call, it takes a few words before I remember your verbal patterens and fluxes.
You ask me were I am I tell you Im house sitting for a friend, leigha, i can feel a chuckle on the tip of your tongue.
I ask you where you are you say
your house.

I laugh saying
i need to brush my teeth, can you come here and bring my toothbrush.

you laugh , it feels so good to hear your laughter i relaxe, let all the weight lift from my shoulders and give you simple directions.
ill see you soon
im excited

the rest I save for reality, for when this dream becomes my now.

Some people fantasize about wining the lottery othere about plastic surgury.
Would I enlarge my calfs first or get my jaw chizled i guess ill save the $10000 then decide, maybe i should buy a lotto ticket

I myself perfer the long fantacies of perfect random incounters.
Eyes glance, moments of recolletion taking heart beats to analize. Smiles creep from the corners of our mouths as our eyes say hello.
Weère both here alone after a long run of events that we can finally laught about, comments like
so, she finally left you broken hearted for the last time and Im sorry it took you so long to reolize you were being used.

Ya thats okay at least I know what if feeels like now, to be completly decived by a lover. You live you learn you grow.You end up aloneall the same.After years of reserch void of hypothosise. I have finally reached a conclusion.It is better to cry alone in the dark then lay beside someone you feel 1000 miles away from crying without sound, in fear of waking them and haveing to explain , this gap thats growen.

It is at this point I usually reolize that this is not the story thats going to gt me laid. I bite my lip, take a drag and glup my drink. Ill await your responce untill...
you reply-is it love that leaves us bitter or is it our inability to act as whole people in the face of love, something so pure that our humaness darkens it with a simple yearning.

I batt my lashes and fluff my hair
Whole person. I thought I had standards.How many whole people do you really think incarnate here.Im looking for someone to grow whole with, to understand the constant flux of two becomes one, one becomes two, the daily dance of the gods manifested here, highlighting the simple joys of just breathing insync with anothere person.

You enjoy me. You always have. We ve been having this conversation for years, dancing between strret corners and provincial lines. Tonight I dont exspect this to end or resolve its self. I d settle for no langage, just flesh and soft whispers. But between us this seems like a life time in the makeing..

the end so far.
I don;t know if this is a story or what it is besides that constant dialoge of my fantasies. im still on the french computer thats why there is no puncuation.which is funny cause the boy is the story spends some of his free time creating new puncuation.And our encounters are yearly at this point. Even when we live in the same city.
lots of time on my hands and you.
oh i think i did the impossible....
find a place in vancouver for less then $300 a month. cross your fingers for me, I need the excersise of the commute and the money saving . cheers and love julie

julies trying to write short stories again...

this is a short story i have started let me know what you think...

Somedays when i am feeling alone and unthought of I think about you.
I imagine you surprising me with a phone call, it takes a few words before I remember your verbal patterens and fluxes.
You ask me were I am I tell you Im house sitting for a friend, leigha, i can feel a chuckle on the tip of your tongue.
I ask you where you are you say
your house.

I laugh saying
i need to brush my teeth, can you come here and bring my toothbrush.

you laugh , it feels so good to hear your laughter i relaxe, let all the weight lift from my shoulders and give you simple directions.
ill see you soon
im excited

the rest I save for reality, for when this dream becomes my now.

Some people fantasize about wining the lottery othere about plastic surgury.
Would I enlarge my calfs first or get my jaw chizled i guess ill save the $10000 then decide, maybe i should buy a lotto ticket

I myself perfer the long fantacies of perfect random incounters.
Eyes glance, moments of recolletion taking heart beats to analize. Smiles creep from the corners of our mouths as our eyes say hello.
Weère both here alone after a long run of events that we can finally laught about, comments like
so, she finally left you broken hearted for the last time and Im sorry it took you so long to reolize you were being used.

Ya thats okay at least I know what if feeels like now, to be completly decived by a lover. You live you learn you grow.You end up aloneall the same.After years of reserch void of hypothosise. I have finally reached a conclusion.It is better to cry alone in the dark then lay beside someone you feel 1000 miles away from crying without sound, in fear of waking them and haveing to explain , this gap thats growen.

It is at this point I usually reolize that this is not the story thats going to gt me laid. I bite my lip, take a drag and glup my drink. Ill await your responce untill...
you reply-is it love that leaves us bitter or is it our inability to act as whole people in the face of love, something so pure that our humaness darkens it with a simple yearning.

I batt my lashes and fluff my hair
Whole person. I thought I had standards.How many whole people do you really think incarnate here.Im looking for someone to grow whole with, to understand the constant flux of two becomes one, one becomes two, the daily dance of the gods manifested here, highlighting the simple joys of just breathing insync with anothere person.

You enjoy me. You always have. We ve been having this conversation for years, dancing between strret corners and provincial lines. Tonight I dont exspect this to end or resolve its self. I d settle for no langage, just flesh and soft whispers. But between us this seems like a life time in the makeing..

the end so far.
I don;t know if this is a story or what it is besides that constant dialoge of my fantasies. im still on the french computer thats why there is no puncuation.which is funny cause the boy is the story spends some of his free time creating new puncuation.And our encounters are yearly at this point. Even when we live in the same city.
lots of time on my hands and you.
oh i think i did the impossible....
find a place in vancouver for less then $300 a month. cross your fingers for me, I need the excersise of the commute and the money saving . cheers and love julie

Friday, October 06, 2006

as luck would have it...

the girl baled, she has thankgiving plans at the last moment and would like to reshedual
ba, not latter NOW...
oh well itès a beautiful day
so instead ièm gonna go spend some money on grass and new art suppies
go to the ocean check out some art and maybe go to the rail way tonight, anyone wanna come.
Man I havenèt had sex in way to long
i am not used to this
i need a self help book
cause i am getting tired of self helping...
sorry to talk about sex, i just thought for my birthday ièd get the gift iève been waiting for
no such luck
for this25 yrs. old
I bought myself Loveage Music to make love to your old lady by for my birthday present
great album.
Alex, do you wanna go to kid koala or J5 or saul williams I really wanna see J5, lyrics born is also comeing
fuck I wish charlie lived here cause then ièd have someone to see all these great hip hop guys with...
Oh well I should stop being hung over and start living.
found my new greasy breakfast joint today, lots o cute boy and cheap all day breakfast, remindes me of the restrant in the sherbroke canandian slash chinese cuisine
god ièm rambleing
bye j

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

a day in my new life

it starts the same as befor
turn the computer on
make coffee
think about smoking,,,
lay around the house reading and writing
sometimes cleaning...
at about 3:30 I get high
then I walk down Powell to Commercial
down commercial to napier
then at 4:59 I punch into work
at which point i make 3 lattès
and think about cookies...
I then prossed to eat cookies and think about baking,
Iève spent the last week perfecting my white chocolate mooes, lady fingers, madalines and fancisomethings
My pumkin muffins and pies were much easier to perfect, and quite delicious I might say.
Then when my baking is done I help the sandwhich ladies with their work, then we clean...
to night for my take home sandwhich I made a pesto mayo , mixed olives, salami, swiss and pickle on a two toned rye right and tomatoes...
then startes the walk home.
Part of my walk home is through a nice neiborhood with house worth more then I can even imagine
but i have to cross hastings and powell which at night are really sketchy, so far so good, but it is not the relaxing walk home one would like it to be.
the labore laws are different here, in am eight hour shift they donèt have to give you a payed break and at the place i work they exspect you to work eight plus hours with no break!!!!! hahhahahahahahah, i did that for my two weeks of training but now at night I take at least one 10 min. break, wow 10 hole mins. in an eight hour shift, you crazy girl. the work ethic out here is crazy people accually exspect you to work your ass off for them, not take a break and stay untill all the work is done.
ya itès been a bit of a shocker to me.
Fuck I have a cold and it wonèt go away, i feel like ass and youÉ
new paln is to get into a co op housing and work at a coffee shop, you see ina co op they base your rent on your income, shitty income = low rent hmmmmm perfect for me, i canèt keep this full time working bullshit thing going forever well i could but i just donèt want to.
thanks I needed to get that out...
tonight ièll finish harry potter and start a new book, I canèt belive dumbledore is dead, snape, i canèt wait till harry kills him, what i donèt like about the serise is itès turning into lord of the rings a little to much example, now harry has to finish the mission off by himsef to save all of humanity... come on i didnèt read like 5000 pages of this shit to lord of the ring it up now!! God I need to get a life.I found a studio for $127 a month neiborhoods a bit rough I htink ièm gonna hold out.. long blog sorry cheers julie

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

i hope all of the right tones come across
in this next blog.
itès the main reason ièm a preformance poet and not a page poet
i always fear the reader wonèt understand my tone or humores.
please remember a)there is no one reason I moved b)ièm a kindhearted person c) itès my birthday on thursday!
i make myself laugh sometimes

the real reason i moved

Ièm ready to tell you the real reason I moved...
get comfy, take a deep breath, and laugh
at least giggle I am...

I moved here to start dating girls...
there I said it
aahhhhhh breath of release.

of coures I donèt know how to pick up girls in real life so i choose ...
craigs list.
In case you needed in sentive to move to the big city, google craigs list vancouver...
there are people from paris who want to appartment swap with me, crazy, though i donèt speak the langage
the offer felt grand.another is a women wanting to make a daisy chain, couldnèt get that one off my mined for well ièm still thinking about it... ièm sure ièll respond to that ad soon enough..

Anyways I got a coffee date with a girl friday, if we like each othere there is always saturday night.
who knows, this is my first on-line attempt to getting laid, i thought ièd be honest okay meeting people, ya ièm doing the on line thing to meet people ya...

i had to tell someone, mike dosenèt count, last night we both checked our email and compared our craigs list replies, i havenèt put up an ad yet.. ièm not that ready and I have no idea what ièm looking for... well i guess i do.
almost 25 and I finally feel ready to want something in a partner. Marsha said it best chirstmas night after a bottle of wine
èjulie, my girl, donèt you have any standardsÉè at the time i said no but now am ready...

yahoo, of course ièll keep you posted.
dose anyone wanna move to europe next yearÉ art school on the east coast, i might be ready for art school soon.
cheers and love julie