Sunday, November 12, 2006

aahhhh a day off in remembrance

oh yestrday,
luck, couisidance and random acts would
sumerize my yestrday.
A good friend showed up out of the dark rainy night
and saved me from another night of drinking in a dark whole with a man 20 years older and a 'friend' who thinks I should go for him.I've tryed on numorous occations to tell her there is only one forty year old for me and I don't date anyone older then 15 years.when asked why I prefere the older ones my responce of late has been. drugs, people of the older generations are not as likly to wanna do 'e' or rail prozac or use roofies to sleep...he laughted my friend when I told him this and asked if it was really that bad. I said, you have no idea,if you can get passed the video addictions and put up with weekend habits you'll do just fine...
A week latter he informes me that the new spark in his eye, has a weekend habbit, he can't relate too, my only comfort to him is 'at least it's just the week end'
It nice here. Sometimes I get these prefect moments, I'm so thankful for them.
It's so rainy and gloomy here it takes a while to get used to, we've had 40 mm of rain last week alone and this week we're in for 80mm, fuck ah?
It's warm still though, I can't smoke in my new place and I still don't put on a coat to go out for one!!!Are heat is also free so the appartment is quite warm, unlike my passed manitoba homes where if you were cold you just put on a sweater and the studio where you never took your coat off!!
simpsons now write latter j

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