Wednesday, November 01, 2006

blah blah blah

I moved again, will type more when time premittes.
I am living with a computer again aaahhhhhhh.
Yes I have been on craigs list for a half hour oh it felt good.
My new rommate (one of them I have two a boy and a girl)the boy is also slitly addicted to craigs list. Fuck there are some funny ads up today. God I need a bike I moved way off the drive, which I did on purpose a)to save the money b)to see more of vancouver c)to bike like a demoned 365 days a year, yes thats why I moved here too to bike like a demoned. miss you julie


Ted said...

winnipeg twists
as you ride out on your two tires
I turn
as you stride on by the cool kids on street corners waiting for something to happen to them

happy riding

Ted said...

oops, I am Shannon, not Ted, don't know how to change that