Sunday, December 09, 2007

As the holidays draw near

I feel as though my mother and I are having a tug o war. Over who can be the least emotional or the most drunk. I've always meant to call her when I'm black out drunk and say crazy things too her but with the time difference and all I just feel too guilty calling her plus then she'd be the one telling me she was concerned for me instead of it being the way it is now. My dad used to be the heavy drinker during my younger days he would go out with the boys every week end. Then when he left our family he stopped drinking and my mom took it up.Thats why I don't drink beer eah, too many memories of beer breath being breathed on me while they touch me and told me how much they love me. Gross.

I was trying to remember my favorite christmas. As a child there a were a few. Back in Germany I think one cdn dollar was like 12 marks and both my parents worked so I got what ever I wanted. Beautiful doll carages and houses, lots of food and friends and army christmas parties. Oh how I miss the tanks being dressed in garlin and bowes. I'll admit it I miss the infantry lately; the smells of the halls , the moose milk in the officers mess, the old guy that waves you on to base if you have one of those stickers, those stickers, the smell of boot polish in the living room, the constant eye of authority and the park battles between army, air and sea. The names we used to call each other would make most civilians heads spin. Childeren taught to talk dirty by army guys!

Any who, I can't remeber my favorite adult christmas because I feel like the night of opulance that was christmas of 2005 was a little to crazy. Besides it was xmas eve and we were soooo hung over we slept apart untill 4:30 christmas day, no we slept together and when my drunken step father called and you answered the phone, my heart almost stopped.
'oh no' I thought 'they'll know I slept with a boy!'

So thats my question  can  sleeping through christmas  count as my favorite adult christmas?
Drinking and crying in the bathroom at my auntes house is next on the list if the other can't count.

Boys, I miss you, 

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