Saturday, July 16, 2005

a quik smoke

it's my friend stephs wedding social tonight!!!
i wish i wasn't single
i like knowing that when i get all dressed up there will be a boy there to
hugg and kiss me and tell me how beautiful i am
instead i imagine a drunk man reeeeeeeekkkkkkking of cheap yeasty beer will try to lean in clouse and try to tell me how hot i make him
if i'm that 'hot' why can't you tell me without a few drinks?
drunk men are almost one of my pet pives, not that this is a high school year book entry and not that i don't like dancing with drunk men and bumming smokes off them.

heartless i am trying to not become heartless, without compassion.

single single single, my boyfriend of 13 months broke up with me 2 weeks ago.
it was for the better i just miss him i miss sharing all the little things
sassy sassy sassy suck
love is a heart breaker that dosen't give a fuck
take that winnipeg slam poetry fucks
i lost for the seconde year in a row by .1
it's like the mother fucking olimpics

well i'm ready all dressed up in baby blue satin and velvet with matching toenails
glass bat in one hand key borad in the other
my humor will return again soon
alex, april i miss you two
can we plan a party
that you two can come home for?
Maybe when alex's foot heals we could have a party on msn
i should stop this in san ity, wish me luck and send me kisses julie

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