Saturday, November 05, 2005


I've got a computer in my living space again. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, i'm learning how to be a social drinker again as a possed to a daily drinker that is. My lover told me last night that he's going to cut back too, with out my prompting. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.It's funny how ideas go from being in your head to reality . Reality ha ha ha ha ha ha! whats real to me ? whats real to you? does anyone know or care about these details?my coffee does. I hung out with an old friend last night , for most of it I could see four eyes and two lips worth of facsial features on her ba ba ba ba thats anothere reason to cut back on the booze she had had one drink and i 13 , though it's a beautiful number. I miss you, words can meet your eyes and i can't. reality. good music to cheak out: arcade fire and broken social scene and the postal service and julie parrell's things i shoulda' said last week avalible through shamful and shameless. i'll see you tommorrow. breath easy float with intention. ju lie

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