Friday, May 26, 2006

me now friday night without a human but with everything eles.

ted and i have been working on this ten foot by four foot canvas for like well
since march,
it's an abstracted veiw of the praries,
where you can see below as well as above to be cheesy
'As above so below'
pegan quote of the year.
any way I'm searching for this way to show all of that as well as
the polarities of red and blue
male and female.
I've visually created all these ideas but
I'm stuck trying to conect them.
One image seems two dimentional while the other
Painting vs writing.
I really enjoy mixing both formates of
Spelling or grammer a bit off?


Ted said...

There is something that can not be found in that painting...

I haven't found it yet.

Jewlz said...
