Monday, August 07, 2006

me now

I'm moving,
the words seem to echo
or is it just me?
I have no idea what I'm doing
but i know where I'm going.

It feels wierd
I'm packing and I'm not moving down the street or going on a trip.
I'm doing both, both sets of rules aply, do you really need this, have you used it in the last six months, can you carry it?

the goodbyes
fuck they make my stomach turn and my food crawl up.
I hate goodbyes I'm no good at them i cry.
Moments and journies.
i miss you already.

can you promise you'll come see me?


new said...

I miss you already. it wasn't my allergies on sunday morning, i was trying my best not to breakdown completely. peh. me and repression. what you mean to me is truly beyond words...

Jewlz said...

i know it wasn't your already seem a life time away... i still miss you thanks again for being you.