Friday, January 13, 2006

the space I didn't know you filled

This ones about you.
The you who sits there reading this comfortably
knowing that it's not about you
well it's your turn.
Looked for you by my side I did
all night
leaning clouse to make a joke
I know will make you laugh
Smiled lips met only by the
blank space on all sides of me.
Clenched my phone in my hand
and begged it to tell me you had called
when you hadn't I pleaded with it to turn back time.
'Make it earlier, Vancouver time in Winnipeg, please'
"No"said the Gods "this time you must experience without the comforte that comes from knowing."
'Dance on stage and forget then I will'
"Good choise."
Anyway I need a date for tommorrow night, any takers?

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